Vertical Gardens

Vertical Gardens

Indoor Vertical Gardens

Urbanites, who are living under the pressure of constructed surroundings, are lacking each and every day green lands such as parks, gardens, etc; where they can actually take a clean breath. Therefore, they ought to continue their daily lives between constructions, buildings and pavements which at the same time keep them away from nature. Important points of the global agenda are to create more green lands in the urban areas, taking every chance to integrate with nature and protection of natural resources.

A Vertical Garden in your premises is not only a palate of Aesthetic Beauty but a Plethora of Happiness due to its abundant Features. The Indoor Plants have abundance of aesthetic, physiological, economical and environmental benefits.

Plants play an important role in today's environment where the rampant urban development is causing many problems such as pollution, increased air temperature, lack of green space and excessive energy consumption. Following the concepts of sustainability, urban greening practices are becoming a popular way of reducing the undesired effects of increasing construction and achieving ecological goals.

Some of the Indoor Vertical Garden Plants tested by NASA

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

NASA considered this plant one of the most effective choices for eliminating formaldehyde, benzene, toluene like gases. It is an effective eliminator of carbon monoxide as well. Another benefit is, that pothos plant also increase humidity in its surrounding.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is one of the most visually appealing and aesthetically beautiful plants. It boasts one of the highest transpiration rates and is very useful in removing formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene, acetone, and alcohols from the air.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Popularly known as Spider Plant, Spider plant is a champion cleanser of air. Best to remove toxic gases and especially carbon monoxide, the plant has many other significances too. The moisture given off by this plant can boost a room's humidity by up to 5%.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

The Snake Plant , also popular as “Mother In Law’s Tongue” is unique in the sense that it sucks in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night. It removes air pollutants and is quite effective against allergies. Additionally, it is a low maintenance plant and is very easy to take care of.

Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema Modestum)

Aglaonema also called as Chinese evergreen because of its origin in South Asia. It is a great oxygen producing houseplant. One of its varieties- AGLAONEMA RED removes 14,300 micrograms VOC per plant per day as per NASA study. It absorbs CO2 in the night, is extremely beautiful and immensely helps to create a better living space.


Large-leafed philodendron plant is a workhorse for removing all kinds of VOCs. Philodendrons are particularly good at battling formaldehyde from different sources. Philodendrons prefer a partial shade and thrive very well in indirect light conditions.

Dracaena Fragrans

This plant is aptly named and resembles a cornstalk, while still maintaining an attractive enough appearance to add to the decor of your home. This plant will be helping to remove benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from inside your home.

Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum)

Most commonly called a Flamingo Lily or Laceleaf, Anthurium andraeanum is a beautiful evergreen plant that is most known for its gorgeous flowers. According to the NASA Clean Air Study, the Flamingo Lily is incredibly effective at removing airborne formaldehyde, ammonia, toluene and xylene in your home or office.

Outdoor Vertical Gardens

Plants are one of the fastest, most cost effective agents for rectifying negative perceptions of an area, enhancing a buildings public profile and significantly improving the visual amenity, economic, and social conditions of the city. The application of vertical gardens in outdoor area is getting popular as it's known to increase property value by dramatically increasing the amenity of buildings, and establishing higher public acclaim, transforming the building into recognizable landmarks.

Outdoor Vertical Gardens/ Green Walls shield the building from Ultra violet rays and acidic rain by reducing cracking and carbonization. A research estimate shows that proper use of plants can decrease the air temperature of your home/workplace considerably well. Plants placed in green walls absorb sunlight, more accurately 50% is absorbed and 30% reflected, this helps to create a cooler and more pleasant atmosphere. Application of green wall technology in the exterior envelope helps to reduce the Urban Heat Island and leads to reduced Carbon emissions. These walls act as bio-purifiers in polluted urban environments and also help to filter pollutants from the air. This means that the air that you breathe is much cleaner and healthier.

Some of the Outdoor Vertical Garden Plants tested by NASA

Dracaena (Dracaena Deremensis)

The long striped leaves of this plant can easily thrive with only small amounts of sunlight and moderate watering. It’s an excellent plant to eliminate trichloroethylene that comes from solvents, varnishes and other modes.

Money Plant Green

It is one of the best plants that can thrive in Indoor and Outdoor both environments. The plant has lot of medicinal benefits and is known to bring Prosperity and Good Wealth.

Syngonium (Syngonium podophyllum)

Commonly known, as Goosefoot or Arrowhead plant, Syngonium podophyllum is a perfect Feng Shui plant. Very easy to maintain, this plant is very beneficial.

Dieffenbachia “Exotica Compacta”

Also know as Dumb Cane, it exists in 2 varieties but in either case they have similar air cleaning qualities and both are stunningly beautiful houseplants. The plants thrives in Indirect filtered light such as what you find by a window.

Schefflera / Umbrella Plant (Schefflera arboricola)

Schefflera plants purify the air in your home, filtering out pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene from the air. The plant is very versatile in nature and can improve your health greatly.

Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Kalanchoe is a succulent perennial plant, which is often called the devil's spine. Kalanchoes are nocturnal oxygenators; they absorb nasty carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and give you back beautiful, clean, oxygen. They are the perfect houseplant to have around. This houseplant is very easy to take care of and will produce an abundance of long lasting flowers with very little care.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

This evergreen plant not only helps to rid the home of harmful toxins it improves humidity by helping to restore moisture to the air naturally too. Because of these air-purifying properties, the Boston Fern is said to offer real health benefits to those who suffer from dry skin or irritably dry noses or throats.

Functional Vertical Gardens

Gardening is linked to alluring health benefits but don’t you think it would be even amazing if luxury is backed with utility???

“Garden on Wheels” this is how we define our Functional Vertical Gardens that can act as partitions for Backyards, Patios, Decks, Terraces or creating separation to establish Indoor/outdoor rooms.

Movable or Standalone Vertical Garden is setting new standards in designing amazing space with the use of living flora, implementing freshness, aroma and colors in the surrounding.

These smart mobile walls look similar to conventional green walls and are equipped with an integrated irrigation system. These are ideal solutions for space that require frequent change in interior designs. This solution is best for Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Private interiors.

In addition to aesthetic beauty and biophilic properties of other Green Walls, it has an added advantage that it can be custom designed into a single or dual side arrangement, thus giving an extraordinary appearance to the area.

AgroArt has revolutionized the concept of home farming. Its smart solutions for Hydroponics And Grow Bag, bring technology enabled farming direct to your home. This startup venture of Globe13 Agro Pvt Ltd, provides Intelligent Solutions for chemical-free farming at your doorstep.
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